Try our Nutrition Coaching

CrossFit Gym in Forest Lake, MN

Nutrition Coaching in Forest Lake


Nutrition Coaching

Do you feel you are at your peak potential in terms of fitness, energy levels and mood? If not, it could be related to how you are fueling your body. Our nutrition program aims at educating you and putting you back on the right course for success.

Certain food groups could have a negative impact on your health and fitness without you even realizing it. We will pin-point a comprehensive diet plan that is custom to your lifestyle.

Thousand Lakes Fitness using a few different nutrition coaches, so you'll be sure to find the one that is the right fit for you.

Mat Larson

Mat Larson  

Owner and Coach at Thousand Lakes Fitness: Mat is certified by ISSA and Working Against Gravity, and has a long history with nutrition, both good and bad. Recently he has been able to complete his own successful journey.. His goals will be aligned with yours and will be as available as needed by the clients that he works with as everyone's path is different. There isn't one correct way to get to your end goal, but knowing the process and creating a solid foundation to help people reach their goals. True lifelong progress takes time, and we will make sure to have goals that are sustainable through the process, so we can help people live long and healthy lives.

"You may not know when you're on the right track.. But you'll know when you're not"

If you are interested in working with Mat, you can reach out to the gym via the contact form!

Libby Krause

Libby Krause

Heyo! My name is Libby and I’m excited to be a nutrition coach!

Personally I have been through nutrition coaching within the last year. At times it was challenging, I leaned on my coach for guidance and support. It was life changing for me because I was able to gain understanding of food, and gain self confidence that had been missing.

Because of my positive experience I wanted to take the nutrition coaching course, and become a coach myself! I love helping others!

I look forward to positively supporting you though your own nutrition journey!


The Premier Gym in the Lakes Area!

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Conveniently located off of Highway 8 at the intersection of 61 and HWY 8.

24078 Greenway Rd Suite 7, Forest Lake, MN 55025

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Thousand Lakes Fitness is located and easily accessible from all of Forest Lake.

Fit is not a destination, it's a way of life.